Everyone probably has a few moles on their skin somewhere. Moles are comprised of skin cells which produce pigment for the skin. When there is a high concentration of these cells in the same location on the skin, you’ll have a mole grow there. The mole usually appears as a circular brown blemish that is raised on the skin. Most moles are not cancerous, so there is no emergency to have them removed. However, they do affect the looks and beauty of a person.

When a person gets a mole on their face, they tend to be very sensitive about it. Humans are a species that cares a great deal about our vanity. That is why we shave our face, use makeup and try to look the best we can. Unfortunately, moles cannot so easily be disguised with makeup. They are going to be apparent no matter what creams or oils you put on your skin. If you truly want to remove a mole, then you’ll have no choice but to remove it.

There are several options available for removing a mole. Most of these options must be performed by a licensed dermatologist. They specialize in treating skin disorders, although a mole removal is not considered a necessity. This means your health insurance provider will not cover the expense of getting the removal done. They will consider it a cosmetic surgery. Please keep that in mind.

Below are the top 4 options for removing a mole:


1) Surgical Excision

This is the classic method that dermatologists use to remove moles and skin tags. They will first administer a local anesthetic to the area of the skin that has the mole on it. Once that area goes numb, they use surgical scissors to cut out the mole. Sometimes these moles go deep underneath the skin, requiring a deeper excision to take place. As a result, the skin will need to be stitched up for a while. A scar may even remain after the skin heals.


2) Freezing

mole removal before & after

Mole Removal Before & After

If your moles have not sunk deep into your skin and are not cancerous, you can use liquid nitrogen to freeze them off. This is an outpatient procedure that can be done quickly and painlessly. Only a small blister will remain afterward.


3) Shaving

The doctor can use a scalpel to shave down the mole until it is just a pink mark on the skin. This is a lighter surgical option than getting an excision done. It will still require a local anesthetic, but it will at least leave your skin intact.


4) Laser Treatment

The newest mole removal method involves laser treatment. This is good for non-cancerous moles that are not too thick. The doctor won’t need to make any incisions either. They will simply use light bursts to destroy the skin cells which make up the mole. If you have a mole in a sensitive place like on the ears or face, this might be a good alternative to surgery.

If you need mole removal in San Diego, Orange County, or Los Angeles, contact us today!

San Diego: (858) 750-9312

Orange County: (949) 755-0189

Los Angeles: (310) 737-8726

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